Healthy 1 – Hiland Dairy

Healthy Eating All Year Long

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We all do it. Every January we resolve to become healthier. We promise ourselves that we’ll eat less and exercise more. We research a new fad diet and try it out for a while. The trouble is, we’re not very good at follow-through, so we’re soon back to our old ways — only with an extra helping of guilt thrown in. So, how can we do better? How do we find a diet and stick to it? The answer is by not following a diet at all, but by following a lifestyle. And today is as good a day as any to make the change.

As we all know, the trouble with diets is that they’re hard to stick to. They’re often complicated and typically exclude foods we love. Rather than following a diet, Hiland recommends that you eat natural, delicious foods that are simple to prepare and include dairy products, which provide the protein and other essential nutrients your body needs.

The key to this simple but effective lifestyle change is to try to prepare as many meals from scratch as possible. When you cook with raw ingredients, you avoid processed foods that contain chemicals and other additives (including added sugar) that your body doesn’t need. Even the busiest mom-on-the-go can find 20 minutes to make a simple, delicious meal. It just requires a little knowledge. And that’s what we’re here for.

Try “shopping the perimeter” of your local grocery store. That’s where the good stuff is: produce, fresh-baked breads and the dairy cooler, where you’ll find fresh, locally produced Hiland Dairy milk and other Hiland products. They really are the original farm-to-table foods.

You’ll also find that by changing the way you cook, rather than following a fad diet, you’ll feel healthier than ever before. The best part? You’ll stick with it all year long. And that’s good for you and your whole family.

Featured Healthy Recipe

Herbed Cream Cheese and Egg Sandwich

Herbed Cream Cheese and Egg Sandwich



Put two slices of bread into a toaster and toast to desired doneness. Allow cream cheese to soften, and mix in herbs. Next, heat a skillet to medium heat and add butter. When butter melts, crack in eggs and cook 3-4 minutes; flip, and cook for 1-2 minutes more or until yolks are cooked through. Then spread herbed cream cheese on toast and top with egg. Serve with an 8-ounce glass of Hiland Dairy Milk for an extra protein boost.

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