This Season’s Easiest Luminaries – Hiland Dairy

This Season’s Easiest Luminaries

Oh, Glow On!

Grab your empty Hiland Dairy milk jugs and get your glow on! These adorable leaf luminaries are so easy to make yet so pleasing to the eye. But you’d better hit the nature trail soon before the colorful fall foliage makes way for the first frost.

Fall Leaf Luminaries


What You’ll Need:


  • Empty Hiland Dairy milk jugs, any size (I used two gallon-sized jugs)
  • Variety of freshly picked leaves
  • Contact paper
  • Scissors
  • White tissue paper
  • Short strings of battery-powered white lights


  • Rinse jugs and remove labels with warm, soapy water. Allow to dry completely.
  • Using scissors, cut the top off of each jug.
  • Measure out a strip of contact paper to wrap around each milk jug.
    • Tip: Be sure to overlap a little at the ends.


  • Peel off the backing of the contact paper and arrange the leaves facedown.
    • Tip: Leave some room between the leaves to allow the light to shine through.


  • Wrap your leaf-designed contact paper around each milk jug, with the leaves facing outward, and smooth the contact paper with your hands to be sure it completely sticks.


  • Lightly crinkle up a piece of tissue paper for each milk jug and loosely wrap the lights around the ball.
  • Turn on the lights and place the ball into the milk jug (yes, it’s that easy!).

Diva’s Tip

You can use colored lights for a more festive look. You’ll get glowing reviews from your guests!

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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