Think Milk, Drink Milk – Hiland Dairy

Think Milk, Drink Milk

The Benefits of School Milk

I remember like it was yesterday: Milk was the only beverage of choice at school lunchtime. We even got to choose between white, strawberry or chocolate milk on Fridays. The good news? Schools are still serving delicious, nutritious milk at lunchtime. Nothing beats the protein- and vitamin-packed punch of milk to help them get through the day. Talk to your kids about the importance of grabbing nutritious Hiland Dairy Milk to accompany their school meals.

Why Is Milk Important?

  1. Other foods can’t compete with milk’s nutritional value.
  2. Added flavor to milk doesn’t mean much extra sugar. Research shows that flavored milk contributes only 3 percent of added sugar in kids’ diets.
  3. Milk is the No. 1 food source of nine essential nutrients that are crucial for growing minds and bodies.

Diva’s Tip

If you pack your kiddos’ school lunches, save money by checking your local Sunday newspaper inserts or go to for money-saving coupons.

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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