The Dairy Diva: Create Homemade Fun When Brrrrr is in the Air – Hiland Dairy

The Dairy Diva: Create Homemade Fun When Brrrrr is in the Air

When the flakes start to fly and cabin fever sets in, here are a few ideas to keep you and your kids active without breaking the bank:

Get Baking

Fort Fun

  • Build forts using sheets and furniture and have a “sockball” fight.

Get Crafty

  • Invite friends over for a craft-date and let the kids make cute place settings or fun centerpieces for your holiday tables. They make great conversation starters.

Slumber Party Fun

  • Stay in your pajamas all day and make it a slumber-all-day party.

Diva’s Tips

You don’t have to spend a fortune to keep your kiddos from going stir crazy. Look around your house because there’s fun waiting around every corner.

Be creative, Divas!

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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