State Fairs are Making Dairy a Main Attraction – Hiland Dairy

State Fairs are Making Dairy a Main Attraction

What do a cow, Elvis and Tiger Woods have in common? They’ve all made appearances at state fairs. Well, the butter sculpture versions of them anyway. I love state fairs because of the people, fun and food. And being the Dairy Diva that I am, I wanted to find out how regional state fairs incorporate dairy into their lineups. What I found out is amazing.

Iowa State Fair

The famous Butter Cow at the Iowa State Fair is sculpted from nearly 600 pounds of low-moisture, pure-cream Iowa butter. That’s enough to butter nearly 20,000 slices of bread! (Don’t worry, much of the butter is recycled and can be reused for up to 10 years.)

Minnesota State Fair

Iowa’s neighbor to the north, Minnesota, has one of the largest fairs in the country. This great get-together features a Moo Booth where you can partake in a cottage cheese eating contest, a butter carving contest and a milk moo-stache contest.

Wisconsin State Fair

Head over to Wisconsin’s State Fair and immerse yourself in all things cheese. Check out who won blue ribbons in all 28 categories of the cheese competition. Nibble at your cheese-ball-on-a-stick while looking at cheese sculptures. There’s even a cheese auction!

Diva’s Tip

Stop by the Nebraska State Fair and grab a sweet treat from my FAVORITE booth (you guessed it…the Hiland Dairy booth!).

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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