Pink Taffy Ice Cream – Hiland Dairy

Pink Taffy Ice Cream

pink taffy ice cream in a cone, inside a glass jar, container of cream in background

This simple recipe requires just four ingredients – most of which you probably already have in the house! Recipe and image compliments of Laura from Lolo’s Home Kitchen

Pink Taffy Ice Cream

Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Course: Dessert


  • 2 cups Hiland Dairy Heavy Cream
  • 1 cup Hiland Dairy Whole Milk
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Big pinch of salt
  • 30 pieces pink taffy


  • In a medium size bowl, add the heavy cream, milk, sugar, salt and vanilla. Whisk together to combine and sugar has dissolved.
  • Add the taffy in and mix together. Cover the bowl and place the mixture in the fridge overnight.
  • The next day, place a bowl with a strainer over the top and pour the whole mix into the strainer to strain the liquid out from the leftover taffy. (lots will have dissolved into the mixture) Discard the leftover taffy.
  • Pour the milk mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to directions. Mine took about 25 minutes. Ice cream will be a soft serve texture. Remove from the ice cream maker and place into an ice cream container or freezer-safe container to store. Place in the freezer for a few hours or until ready to serve. Ice cream will firm up.
  • Serve and enjoy!

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