Look Who Photobombed Our Summer Vacation – Hiland Dairy

Look Who Photobombed Our Summer Vacation

It’s Relaxing. It’s Fun. It’s Summer Vacation!

We got some unexpected, but really chillin’ guests this year – the Coneys! Scoop, Cookie, Chip and Cherry popped up in some of our vacation fun. Check them out!

Coneys Summer Vacation Photobomb

Diva’s Tip

Be sure to have your kids enter the Chillin’ With the Coneys Coloring Contest. Visit www.HilandIceCream.com and download the coloring sheet. They could win some summertime fun prizes. Plus, you can sign up for a coupon for $1.00 off any 56 oz. carton of Hiland Ice Cream. It’s a money-saving way to try all six new Hiland Ice Cream flavors. Yum!

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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