Help Close the Nutrition Gap During Hunger Action Month – Hiland Dairy

Help Close the Nutrition Gap During Hunger Action Month

September is Hunger Action Month

More than 46 million Americans — including 12 million children — rely on Feeding America food bank donations each year. But for many families who face hunger, even basic staples like milk are missing. With eight grams of high-quality protein per serving and three of the top nutrients most likely to be missing in the American diet – calcium, vitamin D and potassium – milk is an affordable, efficient way for America’s feeding programs to get nutrients into the hands of people who need it.

Life in the Nutrition Gap

Donate Online to Put Milk on the Table for Local Families

Hungry children and families in our communities are missing out on the essential nutrients supplied by milk because many food bank donations do not include milk. On average, clients receive the equivalent of less than 1 gallon per person per year. That’s because while Americans are generous with canned and dry goods, many don’t think to donate milk because it’s perishable. Your small donation will deliver a gallon of Hiland Dairy Milk to a family in need in your local community.

In partnership with Feeding America — the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization — The Great American Milk Drive turns your online donation into gallons of Hiland Dairy Milk for families in your local community. Learn more and donate today!

Thank you for signing up!

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