Easy Milk Jug Ball Catcher Craft – Hiland Dairy

Easy Milk Jug Ball Catcher Craft

Catch This If You Can!

Outdoor fun begins with a repurposed Hiland Dairy Milk jug or two! It takes no time at all to assemble these ball-toss catchers. Simply cut, tape and it’s game on! Yes, it’s that easy.

Milk Jug Ball Catch

Milk Jug Ball Catch

What You’ll Need:

Milk Jug Ball Catch Supplies


  • Rinse jugs and remove labels with warm, soapy water. Allow to dry completely.
  • Using scissors, cut the bottom off of each milk jug.

Milk Jug Ball Catch Step 1

  • Layer colored duct tape at the open end of each milk jug, starting at the bottom of each handle. Wrap the last layer of tape over the open edge of each milk jug.

Milk Jug Ball Catch Step 2

  • Head outside and start tossing!

Diva’s Tip

The milk jug labels will peel right off if you fill the jugs with hot water and let them sit for five minutes.

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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