DIY Mummy Treat Bucket – Hiland Dairy

DIY Mummy Treat Bucket

Toss aside the decorated grocery bags and pillowcases and send your little goblin trick-or-treating with this adorable home-crafted Mummy Treat Bucket. It’s so simple to make and will hold all the sweet treats your kiddo will gather throughout the evening. The costume might not last, but this treat bucket will stand the test of time. Happy Halloween!


  • 1 Hiland Dairy gallon ice cream pail
  • Green spray paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Cheesecloth
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paint sponge


  • Clean the pail with warm, soapy water. Towel dry completely.
  • Gently remove the handle and lid from the ice cream pail and set aside. In a wellventilated area, spray paint the outside of the pail. Let dry completely
  • Cut the cheesecloth in long strips, approximately 1 to 2 inches wide.
  • Secure one end of the strip with glue and continue to wrap it around the bucket making sure to leave open spaces. Brush a little glue along the path as you wrap the cheesecloth to completely adhere it to the bucket.
  • Glue the googly eyes in the open spots. Reattach the handle and let the glue dry completely.

Diva’s Tip

Light the way! Adhere the cheesecloth strips with glow-in-the-dark glue to add some nighttime luminosity.

~The Dairy Diva

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