DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container for Valentine’s Day – Hiland Dairy

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container for Valentine’s Day

All You Need is Love

Be mine. Hug me. Cutie pie. No matter how you say it, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to let your family know how much you love them. This year, I decided to create these cute containers to use for my kids’ school lunches for a Valentine’s Day surprise. Let’s get started.

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container

What You’ll Need:

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Supplies

  • Hiland Dairy Milk jug, gallon-sized
  • Permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Velcro fasteners
  • Mod Podge for fabric
  • Sponge brush
  • Decorative bow


  • Rinse jug and remove label with warm, soapy water. Allow to dry completely.
  • Using a permanent marker, draw four half-circles on each side of the jug (make one side as tall as possible to create the lid; cut this side just above the curve of the jug).

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Step 1

  • Using scissors, cut out the shell of the container.
  • Curl the three smaller flaps inward so it starts to take the form of a container.

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Step 2

  • Attach the Velcro fasteners, one on the inside top lid and one on the outside of the bottom front flap.

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Step 3

  • Cut a square of cloth the size of the top lid.

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Step 4

  • Using a sponge brush, coat the outside of the top lid with Mod Podge and place the fabric square on top.
  • Smooth out the fabric using your hands.
  • Either trim the excess fabric or adhere the edges of it to the underside of the lid using more Mod Podge.

DIY Milk Jug Sandwich Container Step 5

  • Using a permanent marker, draw a decorative border around the edges (optional).
  • Glue a decorative bow on the lid at the closure to add a sweet touch.

Diva’s Tip

You can use smaller sizes of milk jugs to create smaller boxes. And, don’t forget to include a Valentine’s Day note for each of your kiddos on Feb. 14!

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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