DIY Dishwasher Magnet – Hiland Dairy

DIY Dishwasher Magnet

Take the Boredom Out of Chores

How many times have you been asked if the dishes are clean or dirty? Put an end to the constant inquiry and make life a little easier with this adorable dishwasher magnet that can be used to tell if the dishes are clean or dirty. It’s simple to make, fun to use, and everyone will be encouraged to help empty the dishwasher when the sign indicates clean dishes are inside.




Use warm and soapy water to clean the milk carton. Let dry completely.

Cut a rectangle from one side of the carton. Place the game pieces in the center, and stack the words “clean” and “dirty”. Mark the sides of the game pieces with a pen.


Cut the excess carton away leaving a ½-inch band from the pen marks.

Glue a strip of ribbon around the border of the carton from the pen marks to the edge.


Glue the words “clean” and “dirty” facing each other in the center rectangle so that the words read correctly no matter which way the magnet is flipped.

Magnet Step 3

Cut the magnet to fit backside of your craft. Glue in place.


Put the magnet on your dishwasher and turn it with the appropriate word facing up.



Diva’s Tip:

Use a ribbon that matches your kitchen’s décor. You also may use any game pieces with letters on them.

Dairy Diva Signature

~ The Dairy Diva

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