DIY Backyard Ball Toss Game – Hiland Dairy

DIY Backyard Ball Toss Game

Outdoor Fun at a Fraction of the Cost

Why just recycle your Hiland Dairy containers when you can upcycle them instead? My kids think that recycling plastic containers means placing them in the correct green container in the garage. Not so fast! When I encourage them to think “outside the bin” and talk about the importance of sustainability, they come up with amazing ideas. This ball toss game was created with a little creativity and a lot of fun in mind.

Backyard Ball Toss Game

Backyard Ball Toss Game

What You’ll Need:

Backyard Ball Toss Game Supplies


  • Rinse each container with warm, soapy water. Towel-dry completely.
  • Place the foam board on a flat surface and glue three 8-ounce containers to the front, approximately 4 inches apart and 2 inches from the sides.

Backyard Ball Toss Game Step 1

  • Repeat using three 16-ounce containers, leaving approximately 3 inches from the first row.

Backyard Ball Toss Game Step 2

  • Finish with the last row using three 24-ounce containers.

Backyard Ball Toss Game Step 3

  • Allow the glue dry completely.
  • Play ball!

Diva’s Tip

Instead of flipping a coin or playing rock-paper-scissors to make decisions, my kids are using this game to “toss” for things. Whoever gets the most balls in the containers wins! If you want to make this project even craftier, you can paint the foam board and containers to customize the look of your game.

The Dairy Diva

~The Dairy Diva

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