Celebrate National Agriculture Day – Hiland Dairy

Celebrate National Agriculture Day

Today is National Agriculture Day

It’s a day that’s set aside every year for producers, communities, associations, corporations and even our government leaders to celebrate the abundance provided by American agriculture.

Hiland Dairy is proud of our role.

Every day we produce fresh, healthful milk and dairy products to families, athletes, grocers, schools and others – that is always tested for antibiotics and with no artificial growth hormones. And when it comes to sustainability, we are committed to minimizing waste and impact to the environment.

Besides the milk we drink, it may surprise you to learn just how many ways agriculture impacts our daily lives.

Here are a few ways to raise awareness of agriculture at your home:

  • Have a contest at the dinner table and see how many items on your plate were either grown on a farm or have ingredients that were.
  • Grow some food of your own – in raised garden bed, a window box or even a patio pot.
  • Pretend you’re a farmer or dairy producer and imagine all the things you do in a day.
  • Draw a picture of a Hiland Dairy cow, farm, truck or yourself drinking your favorite Hiland milk and share it with us on social media using #hilanddairy.

 Happy National Ag Day to you!

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