Boomers Need Their Milk Now More Than Ever – Hiland Dairy

Boomers Need Their Milk Now More Than Ever

40 is the new 30. 50 is the new 40. 60 is the new…well, you get it. The point is, as Baby Boomers age, they’re laughing at the idea of kicking their feet up in a comfy chair and sipping tea while they watch gardening shows on television. No, they’d rather be trail-walking along an ancient river or taking in an outdoor rock concert. They grew up active and plan on staying that way for as long as possible.

That’s why it’s so important that they get all the protein and other vital nutrients their bodies need to keep them enjoying life into their later years. Hiland Dairy Milk, of course, is an almost perfect delivery device for these nutrients. Not only does it offer 8 ounces of muscle-building protein in every cup, it packs in calcium and phosphorous for strong bones (especially important for aging Boomers), potassium and a whole host of important vitamins.

Boomers grew up drinking milk as kids, but too many have left it behind, thinking that it’s just a “kid’s drink.” The truth is, milk really is for everyone, young, old or anywhere in-between. And because it packs so much nutrition into such a small package, it’s the perfect grab-and-go drink to keep you enjoying life well into your 70s. Which are really the new 60s anyway, right?

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