Anytime Is The Right Time For Hiland Iced Coffee – Hiland Dairy

Anytime Is The Right Time For Hiland Iced Coffee

You’ve known the anticipation of yummy coffee deliciousness, chilled to perfection, only to discover that the typical made-at-home iced coffee is just that – regular coffee, poured over ice. And you’ve felt the disappointment of a carefully choreographed detour to the gourmet coffee drive-thru that had to be abandoned because of the wait. So why leave it to chance?

See why Hiland Dairy Iced Coffee is becoming the hands-on favorite for iced coffee lovers.

It’s Fast

Grab it from the fridge, pour it into your glass and enjoy.

It’s Easy

No brewing, mixing or measuring.

It’s Portable

Fill your favorite travel mug or cup and head out to the car, the game or to work.

It’s Tasty

Really, if flavors like mocha, caramel and vanilla – perfectly blended with coffee and milk don’t sound good, you might have to check your pulse!

Anytime Is The Right Time For Hiland Iced Coffee

Something else you might not have thought of…

Hiland Dairy Iced Coffee is made with wholesome, healthy milk. So, every serving picks you up with four grams of protein.

  • Tip: Freeze leftover brewed coffee in ice cube trays to drop into your Hiland Dairy Iced Coffee treat to keep it cold and great-tasting!

Can’t find our Iced Coffee in your favorite store?

If your favorite grocer doesn’t carry Hiland Dairy Iced Coffee, try filling out our Shopper Request Form to help convince them to start keeping it in stock!

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